My notes from sessions I attended at the Agile 2015 Conference. ====== Monday ====== * [[agile_2015_-_conference_start|Agile 2015 - Conference Start]] * [[luke_hohmann_-_awesome_super_problems|Luke Hohmann - Awesome Super Problems]] * [[johanna_rothman_-_scaling_agile_projects_to_programs|Johanna Rothman - Scaling Agile Projects to Programs]] * [[larry_maccherone_-_how_long_will_it_take|Larry Maccherone - How Long Will It Take]] * [[jeff_sutherland_-_stalwarts|Jeff Sutherland - Stalwarts]] ====== Tuesday ====== * [[tim_ottinger_-_agile_productivity|Tim Ottinger - Agile Productivity]] * [[daniel_vacanti_-_why_winning_the_lottery_is_more_predictable_than_your_agile_project|Daniel Vacant - Why Winning the Lottery is More Predictable Than Your Agile Project]] * [[prateek_singh_-_retrospective_moving_from_a_subjective_to_objective_world|Prateek Singh - Retrospective: Moving From a Subjective to an Objective World]] * [[dan_greening_-_agile_capitalization|Dan Greening - Agile Capitalization]] * [[agile_2015_-_industry_panel|Agile 2015 - Industry Panel]] ====== Wednesday ====== * [[jessie_shternshus_-_individuals_and_interactions|Jessie Shternhus - Individuals and Interactions]] * [[agile_2015_-_research_short_papers|Agile 2015 - Research Short Papers]] * [[Troy Magennis - Solving the Hairy Problem of Team Dependencies|Troy Magennis - Solving the Hairy Problem of Team Dependencies]] * [[larry_maccherone_-_how_long_will_it_take|Larry Maccherone - How Long Will It Take]] ====== Thursday ====== * [[dean_leffingwell_-_nine_immutable_principles_of_lean_agile|Dean Leffingwell - Nine Immutable Principles of Lean and Agile]] * [[Troy Magennis - Risk The Final Enterprise Frontier|Troy Magennis - Risk The Final Enterprise Frontier]] * [[hendrik_esser_-_is_there_a_best_practice_for_agile_transformation|Hendrik Esser - Is There a Best Practice for Agile Transformation]] * [[ahmed_sidky_-_keystone_habits_leading_to_sustainable_enterprise_agility|Ahmed Sidky - Keystone Habits Leading to Sustainable Enterprise Agility]] ====== Friday ====== * [[michael_spayd_-_agile_assessment_prior_to_scaling|Michael Spayd - Agile Assessment Prior to Scaling]] * [[James Tamm - Want Better Collaboration Dont Be So Defensive|]] {{tag>Conference Agile2015}}