====== Scrum Gathering 2015 Pechakucha ====== ====== Premise ====== ====== Summary ====== * Content rating (0-no new ideas, 5 - a new ideas/approach, 9-new ideas): * Style rating (0-average presentstion, 5 - my level, 9-I learned something about presenting): ====== Action / Learning ====== * ====== Presentation ====== ====== Notes ====== ===== Richard Cheng - So You Want to be a Scrum Trainer ===== Have to be experienced Know how to teach Book: Trading from the back room - Sharon burman Games have to payoff Build your own materials Your own style Have to be entertaining Keep energy up Read a room Be flexible Things will change Be involved in the community Local as well Network Have a support system Use feedback forms Read them and figure out the patterns Be ready Sometime you will fail Enjoy your success Always be learning and growing ===== Alan Cyment - a sip of organic agility a day keeps the scrum away ===== We are not really doing shu ha re But we don't follow the rules Scrum is a means to an end Adoption is plant / tree We are using a simplistic definition of scrum But it's actually dead - it's static We try to transplant our way of thinking We come across as arrogant Do one thing only - start on retrospectives Say two demands Let's try one person is the voice Let's see if it works This approach is slower Full of bugs Guide direction Prune current scrum What is stale - make them better Eg daily scrum Let people use rule of two feet If meeting not going well, walk ===== Peter Green - changing the world of work - agile, lean and in between ===== My Twitter feed looks like this vs that fights What are humans good at Creative economy Idea technology creative Lean Trust workers Continuous improvement Value from customers perspective Scrum Servant leadership Iterations Small teams Lean startup Customer development Iterative discovery Validated learning These are creative economy enablers Helps us deal with increasing complexity of world New organization - next Anti fragile Evolution purpose Wholeness Enablement Shared purpose ===== Adele Maynes - pitching scrum to rebels and skeptics ===== Influencing change Rebellious - skeptic Organization / team oscillate between these two Scrum - jump in Newness - rebel Proven - skeptic Losing the cool factor as scrum ages Relying on proven to much Now need to talk about what is inside of box Collection of individual or team habits Habits preserve mental energy Helps free up for decisions, more creativity Good message Skeptic - why of the practice or habit Intention Mechanism Be regular in normal work so you are creative when it is important ===== Dhaval Panchal - estimates anchor benefits or why estimates make me frown ===== Do you smile when you estimate Why? It's a guess Consensus driven but still a guess If estimate were accurate we would call facts Esp based estimate Statistics based estimate We don't know what we don't know Cannot quantify what I don't know Estimate predispose you to a solution Stops you seeing what else is possible We are telling a lie But treated as a reality We have uncertainty No such thing as a free lunch Time cost involved Bad business is if cost of estimate is more than work Penalties for early work Afraid of losing budget - gold plating Late work Cut corners Benefits in tolerance zone Anchored around this Guarantees inverted u shape outcome Frowns ===== Michael Sahota - people over process ===== Future of scrum is about coming back to roots Only thing that matters is people and interactions over process and tools Rest is blah, blah Whole hearted manifesto - we value people, period Agile practices doing agile different from agile mindset being agile Damage from agile initiatives - it becomes a whip Start valuing people Disengagement cycle (organizational debt) Fear - Need: Safety Trust Create authentic connection Vulnerability - most important When we see vulnerability in others we call it courage. In us we call it weakness. Book: reinventing organizations - Fredrick bull? Self organizing organizations ===== Anu Smalley - product owner must be's ===== Be product owner not do product owner Vision keeper Help focus on the right thing Story teller Tell the story of the vision of the product Single source of truth Definition, decisions, Manage the backlog Make sense of the chaos Prioritize the backlog Refine the backlog Small enough Clear common understanding Provide direction on the what and the why What should become Be engaged Customers, teams etc Be available Emotionally etc Be empowered Take on mantel of empowerment Responsibility Be decisive Be knowledgeable Know the product Understand business perspective Be foresight full Take the leap of faith Be part of the team Team is providing value Must be a PO in team, not an I Be collaborative Be value driven That is our job Don't just do product owner ===== Peter Stevens - my agile suitcase ===== Deal with ships on waterfall Bring questions Do you want me to be here? What are we trying to achieve? What is the biggest impediment? And how can I help What is your best project? What has worked for us in the past? Patterns we can emulate Who wants their project to be best every? Who is going to be the product owner Who is going to feel pain Where do it hurt the PO? Hey team, what does it mean be done? Where does it really hurt? Can you give us time to learn scrum? How can we work together effectively Scrum as a series of working agreements How do we deliver regularly? Engineering practices How do we tell it's working? How do we communicate with each other? Info radiators How do I take care of myself? How do I take care of my team? Ask for help When can I go home? Let's make this the project the best ever ===== Brad Swanson - getting your team from good to great ===== Values Trust Constructive conflict See Patrick loco I. - assessment Have agreement on dealing with conflict up front Have team values Create a team health check Are we living up to values Objectives of the team Agile principles self evaluation Right thing, thing right, Focus What is the right thing to do today Metrics for lead time, WIP Value stream mapping - where is the biggest delay / waste Make your workflow visible Put it onto screen Explicit policies for each step WIP limit Stop starting. Start finishing XP practice Bring discipline Visible impediment removal Make this visible T shape people Major and minor Flexible team Validated learning So we don't build thing people don't want What do we need to learn How measure Simplest thing we can build to test it Don't forget have fun with the team {{tag>Pechakucha Conference Culture}}