====== Troy Magennis - Data Driven Coaching ====== Team data and dashboards can be misused and cause more pain than results. Having the team run blind to its historical data though is often worse, with solely opinions and gut-feel driving process change. Helping your teams see and understand a holistic balance of their data will give your coaching advice context and encourage team constant improvement through experiments and reflection. Coaching dashboards are about balancing trade-offs. Trading something your team is great at for something they want (or need) to improve. Having the team complete the feedback loop and confirm than an experiment had the intended impact, will process improvement be continuous and sustainable. This session shows how to expose data to teams in order for them to retrospect productively, determine if a process experiment is panning out as expected, and to vigorously explore process change opportunities. Recent research shows strong relationships of certain metrics to process and practices, and this session demonstrates how these metrics have and can be tied to timely coaching advice. The real-world dashboards demonstrated in this session show most common problems and how to avoid them with before and after shots and quotes from the teams impacted by them. In this session you will – Learn how you can not only gather data, but use it to improve the process, with examples! Learn how your can tie data insights to coaching advice (data driven coaching) Learn how you can detect, predict and avoid data gaming and dashboard misuse Learn from my mistakes, and mistakes I’ve seen others with real examples of Agile coaching dashboards (good and bad) Learning Outcomes: How to reliably expose team data for process improvement How to tie data to coaching advice (data driven coaching) How to avoiding data gaming and dashboard misuse Real examples of Agile coaching dashboards (good and bad) ====== Summary ====== * Content rating (0-no new ideas, 5 - a new ideas/approach, 9-new ideas): 7 * Style rating (0-average presentstion, 5 - my level, 9-I learned something about presenting): 5 ====== Action / Learning ====== * Quote "Make a difference, not a point" - Troy * See Windyty.com * Quote "Never show data unless you show it compared to something else" - Edward tufte * Quote "If anyone adjusts a stable process , the output that follows will be worse than he had left the process alone" - Deming. You can do more harm than good. Don't panic * Check out Leankit * Checkout Jumpplot.com * See Bit.ly/ThroughPut * Capability matrix - management job * Bring in the quadrant thinking for retro - start date, end date, and type * Find out about tableaux (product to visualize data?) * See paper bit.ly/14eYFM2 - need to understand this better ====== Presentation ====== Presentation at: https://submissions.agilealliance.org/attachments/2394 My copy: {{data_driven_coaching_-_agile_2016_troy_magennis_.pdf|}} Also * To understand what you can do with start and stop date (cycle time graphs): http://bit.ly/Throughput * To understand a way to develop people - capabilities matrix: http://bit.ly/CapabilityMatrix ====== Notes ====== See duck / rabbit slide See something different Metrics - watch for the behavior that you don't expect People worry about being blamed / judge Don't embarrass - this results in poor data Make a difference, not a point Only do it when you know you can make a difference Use data to tell a story What to do next Not talking about the past This is a recording of the past Without a story, data is boring Windyty.com Why do good charts work Answers - compared to what, compared to me (as long as I am driving when I see it) About trends "Never show data unless you show it compared to something else" - Edward tufte Ok want personal information But allow someone to select themselves Makeover chart Crowd sourcing stories - Twitter What questions do we ask And then work on "compare to what" "If anyone adjusts a stable process , the output that follows will be worse than he had left the process alone" - Deming You can do more harm than good Don't panic For visualization work need to do as group See things differently Want to make sure people are seeing the same Allow people to drill down into detail Explore their own data during retros etc Navigation metaphor Jumpplot.com Height of curve is cycle time Under line is "going back" It's too hard and we don't have the data What could I do with just start and complete date Bit.ly/ThroughPut MVP Mvp vs win championship 24% Capability matrix Ready to learn, doers, can teach other Rather quit, maybe willing to learn, yes willing to learn Use this to build a bench Skill deficit Managers job is to grow people Print it out, Fill it out, don't put your name on it Anonymous gives better data Find balance Help teams understand trade offs Think ahead Ready for future Coaches job is to find balance Measure 4 things Quality, responsiveness, productivity, predictability - Larry macherone Have at least at one measure per quadrant Normalize by team size Always show the four metrics together As working trade offs Team only view of data? Cannot be excellent in all four levels It's about the team Divide by team size Divide by average (helps normalize for SD) Quality If our entire did nothing else but fix bugs at our historical rate we would have X days of work Goal to keep within 10 days (or else we help you) Compare your teams with other teams Your team highlight / rest dark No vertical axis as not important Then took away messy lines and just put in company average Allows people to see Trade some throughput to improve defect or predictability, for example Change coaching advise See panel Given shape of curve is there is coaching advice we can make See paper bit.ly/14eYFM2 {{2016_07_28_6.png?direct&400|}} Message - stop telling people what they can't do Need to understand this better {{tag>Forecast Conference Agile2016 Team Data}}