====== What Alternative Estimation Approaches Are There? ====== The traditional [[what_is_the_basis_of_our_estimating_process|approach to estimation]] is based on team relative size estimates is backed by [[where_did_this_estimation_approach_come_from|research]]. The approach has proven to improve outcomes associated with estimation, but that does not mean this is the only estimation approach we can use. Alternative approaches include: * #noestimates approaches: there is a lot discussion about this thinking and the discussion is worthwhile. See [[do_we_need_points_to_generate_a_release_burn-up_chart|Do We Need Points To Generate a Release Burn-up Chart?]] for this type of thinking. * Cycle time and throughput: More generally, using cycle time and throughput information directly can help. * XP based: 0, 1, 2, 4, split. Used to help encourage smaller pieces of work. * High / low estimates: The approaches generate a single number to estimate size of a Story. When forecasting the future we should be talking about a range of possible values rather than a single number as the future is not certain. * Probabilities: A more rigorous approach is to use actual probabilities to talk about what might happen. See [[why_a_plan_based_on_average_velocity_will_fail|Why a Plan Based on Average Velocity Will Fail?]] for the thinking here. * Dependencies: Estimation approaches that directly factor a understanding of dependencies to drive better information. See [[why_should_we_work_harder_to_eliminate_the_effect_of_dependencies|Why Should We Work Harder to Eliminate the Effect of Dependencies?]] for some thinking here. * Expansion: Estimation approaches that also factor in expansion of scope, since in most cases scope increases rather than decreases, as the team implements and the customer sees what is possible. * Utilization / WIP: Understanding the impact of high utilization on estimates. See [[why_does_high_a_utilization_rate_make_it_impossible_to_create_good_estimates|Why Does a High Utilization Rate Make It Impossible to Create Good Estimates?]] for more information. Organizations can and should improving their process to so that they produce the least amount of wasted effort in return for the information gained. ====== Want to Know More? ====== * [[why_do_we_use_story_points_instead_of_hours|Why Do We Use Story Points Instead of Hours or Days?]] * [[what_is_the_purpose_of_estimation|What is the Purpose of Estimation?]] {{tag>Team Estimates Forecast FAQ Points EstimationApproach NoEstimate}}