====== What Anti-patterns Do You See with the System Demo? ====== * Not having a System Demo * A System Demo that is just the Team Review as a combined meeting * No feedback from participants in the System Demo * The content of the System Demo "surprises" the Product Management team * Great demo, but no one knows where are up to in the PI * Or System Demo doesn’t show metrics of progress * System Demo is not showing the work on a single “close to production” system * System Demo only talks about Features and does not reference PI Objectives * The System Demo is more a PowerPoint presentation or discussion than a demonstration of real working software * Related, the System Demo doesn't use real data and real scenarios, but rather test data, to show the working system * System Demo does not talk about what happened to the feedback that was previously provided * Spending too much time preparing for the System Demo * Team members of the ART are not invited to the System Demo {{tag>FAQ SAFe SystemDemo Consultant Tools AntiPatterns Smells Program}}