====== What Do We Mean By SMART Goals or Objectives? ====== As we define Goals or Objectives we need to make sure they are concrete, and that you can easily answer whether you hit the goal or not. SMART is a simple mnemonic to help you ensure that your Goals or Objectives have the characteristics that make them concrete: * **S**pecific: Make your goals narrow to something that is specific, significant, and simple. * **M**easurable: Make sure you know how you will know whether you have achieved the Goal or not. This usually involves tracking a metric. Making the metric meaningful will also mean it is motivating to those involved in the work. * **A**chievable: Make sure the Goal is achievable in the time-period, that it is attainable. For Teams, this means ensuring everyone is in agreement with the Goal. * **R**elevant: Make sure your Goal aligns with your over strategy and objectives. * **T**ime bound: Make sure you have an end-time when you validate your result. For Teams working in Iertations (Sprints) this often defaults to "the end of the Iteration (Sprint)". {{tag>FAQ DIY Agile Coaching Goals Objectives mnemonic}}