====== What Do You Mean When You Say ...? ====== Or "Do you have a cheat sheet for all this new terminology? Often as we start out moving to Agile and to SAFe, there is confusion caused by the fact that there is a lot of new terminology. The fact that there is new terminology is not a surprise - all sub-cultures have their own terminology - but it can make things difficult when you are trying to work with a group that is changing. There are a number of glossaries out there and you should reference those for further information. This cheat sheet is just aimed at getting some of the most basic terms defined in the situation where we are working to a multi-team agile (SAFe) implementation. ^ Unit of Execution ^ Focus ^ Work Unit ^ Planning Horizon ^ Named Roles ^ Events ^ Artifacts ^ | **Team**\\ \\ Cross functional, 5-11 people | **Technical delivery** | (User) **Stories** | **Iteration**\\ (or Sprint)\\ \\ 2 weeks period | **Product Owner (PO)**\\ ”What" the team works\\ \\ **Scrum Master (SM)**\\ ”How" the team works\\ \\ **Agile Team**\\ Implements the stories | **Iteration Planning**\\ Plan and commit\\ \\ **Daily Standup (DSU)**\\ Execute to meet commitments\\ \\ **Iteration Review**\\ Demo of working stories\\ \\ **Iteration Retrospective**\\ Process improvement | **Team Backlog**\\ Prioritized requirements\\ \\ **Scrum or Kanban Board**\\ Visualize/manage work\\ \\ **Team Definition of Done**\\ Consistent quality definition | | **Agile Release Train (ART)**\\ \\ Multiple teams, 50-125 people | **Customer value** | **Features** | **Program Increment \\ (PI)**\\ \\ 8-12 weeks period | **Product Manager (PM)**\\ “Uber” Product Owner\\ \\ **Release Train Engineer (RTE)**\\ “Uber” Scrum Master\\ \\ **System Architect (SA)**\\ Enable multi-team execution | **PI Planning** \\ Plan and commit\\ \\ **ART Sync**\\ Execute to meet commitments\\ \\ **System Demo**\\ Demo of working features\\ \\ **Inspect and Adapt (I&A)**\\ Process improvement | **Program Backlog**\\ Prioritized requirements\\ \\ **Program Kanban**\\ Visualize/manage value delivery\\ \\ **System Definition of Done**\\ Consistent quality definition | ====== Want to Know More? ====== * [[https://www.scaledagileframework.com/glossary/|SAFe Glossary]] * [[https://www.agilealliance.org/agile101/agile-glossary-2/|Agile Alliance Glossary]] {{tag>FAQ CheatSheet Terminology SAFe FirstSprint}}