====== What is the Mapping Between Features and PI Objectives? ====== It often seems that when we go through a PI Planning event, that there is confusion as a result of developing PI Objectives and, in particular, how resultant PI Objectives relate to incoming Features. There are a number of standard patterns that you will see: ===== One Features to One PI Objective (Normal) ===== {{::feature_piobjective_one_to_one.png?400|}} Characteristics: * A PI Objective is directly the result of a Feature * Feature complete means associated PI Objective is complete * PI Objective wording is strongly related to the Feature Business Hypothesis and Acceptance Criteria * It’s OK to achieve the PI Objective **without** completing the related Feature, especially if it means a better way of addressing the business need * Recommend: PI Objective lists the Feature ID in the text e.g. (ID 2) * Recommend: Feature description lists the PI Objective in the text e.g. (PI Objective 1) ===== Many Features to One PI Objective (Normal) ===== {{::feature_piobjective_many_to_one.png?400|}} Characteristics: * A PI Objective is the result of a multiple Features * All Features are expected to be complete for the PI Objective to be complete * PI Objective wording is a summary of the related to the Feature's Business Hypothesis and Acceptance Criteria * It’s OK to achieve the PI Objective **without** completing the related Features, especially if it means a better way of addressing the business need * Recommend: PI Objective lists the Feature ID in the text e.g. (ID 1, 3, N-1) * Recommend: Feature description lists the PI Objective in the text e.g. (PI Objective 2) ===== Feature Doesn't Map to PI Objective (Normal) ===== {{::feature_piobjective_no_to_one.png?400|}} Characteristics: * Some Features won’t be part of the PI Objectives for the Team * Features are still expected to be completed, but the Feature is not differentiating in terms of the overall work of the Team * Situation is normal because Features often represent KTLO, support, and other activities ===== PI Objective is not the Result of a Feature (Normal) ===== {{::feature_piobjective_just_objective.png?400|}} Characteristics: * Some PI Objectives won’t be the result of a Feature for the Team * PI Objective wording helps people not only understand what is to be done (the "what") but also why it is important (the "so what") * PI Objective is still expected to be completed * Situation is normal because some PI Objectives are internal to the Team such as Team improvement items ===== Feature Results in Multiple PI Objectives (Rare) ===== {{::feature_piobjective_one_to_many.png?400|}} Characteristics: * A single Feature results in multiple PI Objectives * Feature complete means associated PI Objectives are complete * PI Objective wording is typically related to parts of the Feature Acceptance Criteria * Situation is rare because usual practice is to split the Feature and do 1 to 1 relationship between Feature and PI Objective * Recommend: PI Objective lists the Feature ID in the text e.g. (ID 1) * Recommend: Feature description lists the PI Objective in the text e.g. (PI Objective 2, PI Objective 3, PI Objective 4) {{tag>FAQ DIY Agile Coaching Goals Objectives Features SAFe}}