Table of Contents

"Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification by Example and Agile Acceptance Testing" - Gojko Adzic

Review and Notes

If you are having troubles collaborating with all stakeholders on user stories, if you find you are not clear on requirements, then the advise in this book will help you get started. This is the book I wish I had when I started down the pathway of using examples and “given-when-them” descriptions in place of conditions of acceptance criteria (see How Can We Improve Collaboration on User Stories? for more information).

One of the ideas that we push with agile development is the idea that we should move away from requirements documents and move to face-to-face communication to ensure that we are all on the same page. When teams start to do this, they often find that there has not been clear communication of requirements or something has been forgotten in the thinking process and so we feel like we are constantly re-visiting work that “if we only had a requirements document” we would have addressed. Another of ideas that really help teams get better in agile is the idea that you don't have a serial workflow in sprints, design - development - testing, but rather try to do more in parallel and in a more focussed way. If you are working either of these issues that this book will introduces you to (thinking) tools that will help.

To quote the book “On most projects even today, writing code is the first time that we try to make the solution really precise. At this point, a developer may have the same understanding of a point as the business person making the request, but I would not bet on it. Work out the probabilities from the experiment, and you’ll get about a 39% chance for this to happen. A tester will need to verify the result which asks for another mind alignment and brings down the probabilities to 20%.”

The book proposes a process of “agile acceptance testing” to help understand what it is we are going to build:

Given <some initial context>
When <an event occurs>
Then <ensure some outcomes>

Don't be put off by the word “testing”. This is really about specifying the functionality we are delivering and ensuring that we have common understanding of the requirements, have dealt with edge conditions and are clear about what is in and out of scope. If you want to introduce the practice in a corporate environment with strictly defined roles, avoid using the word “testing”. Talk about executable specifications or communicating with examples instead of acceptance tests.

If you use the ideas in this book you can expect to see benefits (to quote the book):

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