Table of Contents

Dean Leffingwell - Nine Immutable Principles Of Lean Agile


Software is consuming the world. Industries of all types are faced with growing competitive pressures that can be addressed only through more innovative and productive IT operations, software-based systems, products, solutions and services. Many of today's systems are of such complexity that they require hundreds, and even thousands, of practitioners to build.

As always, we, the software development community, have the responsibility to develop and deploy the next generation of practices than deliver better quality, faster. Fortunately, in addition to our traditional experience in building successful systems, we have access to new knowledge pools that can help us address this challenge. These include not only Agile methods, but Lean and Systems Thinking, and Product Development Flow.

In this tutorial, Dean Leffingwell will summarize some of this knowledge into a manageable and memorable set of nine core principles that can be implemented in any software business context. Building on Agile, Lean Systems Thinking and product development flow, the principles are: • Take an economic view • Apply systems thinking • Assume variability; preserve options • Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles • Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems • Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes; manage queue lengths. • Apply cadence; synchronize with cross-domain planning • Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers • Decentralize decision-making

Understanding and applying these critical principles can unlock significant business benefits, regardless of business context, development frameworks and specific methods of choice.

Learning Outcomes: Gain an understanding of how these three new bodies of knowledge can be summarized, communicated and applied in a simple and effective way


Action / Learning




Business reason for two methodologist don't agree - one would be redundant

Like to build really big things, because it's hard.

Be a life long learner Everything accelerating

Book - Leffingwell

Book - out of crisis - deming

Manager is responsible for the system

Find out about SPC reading list.

Are you willing to learn about a new of working

Values come first

House of lean Value Respect for people and culture Product development Flow (reinersten) Innovation (Eric reis) Relentless improvement (name 2 initiatives you are doing now) Leadership

Foundation of house of lean is leadership Lead sensei job - train management

Perhaps need to change management not team

Goal of lean - sustainability shortest lead time with best quality and value to people and society high morale safety and customer delight

Talk about how to achieve the goal

Respect for people and culture People do the work Your customer is whoever consumes your work - don't overload them, make them wait, force them to do wasteful work, impose wishful thinking Build long term partnerships Cultural change comes last, not first To change culture you have to change organization

When will people realize that the low cost bidder was the high cost supplier

Responding to change over following a plan Implies there is a plan Let's not forget the stuff on the right

The agile principles all scale

This is still home base for us Add in lean stuff us

If you can't agree with these then you can

Faster time to market Value that deliver time to market Principles that deliver time to market

Problems are different But principles that will help to improve quality of product are universal

Take an economic view

Safe is at 3.0 Read this again

Want to empower lower decision making Don't consider money already spent Sequence jobs for maximum benefit If quantify one thing, quantify cost of delay

See picture Cycle time ←→ cost Value ←→ dev expense Risk

Apply systems thinking

Because we are building big systems The enterprise is a system The systems the enterprise builds systems as well

Complex systems development requires disciplined systematic thinking Optimizing a component does not optimize system Value pass through interconnections A system can evolve no faster than its slowest integration point

Assume variability ; preserve options

This is not “get the requirements right” Aggressively evaluate alternatives - converge specifications and solutions set

You can't know everything at start

Build incremental with fast integrated learn cycles

Doing agile is to delivery value more frequently / quickly Build incrementally Value accrues. And it is non linear.

Article in shipping news - what is going on at commerce dept

Slow late is unprofitable

Book - the lean machine - dantar oosterwal

Manage uncertainty through integration points

Why Because no correlation between existing phase gate on time and project success and the data suggest the inverse might be true Drives toward false positive feasibility Creates huge batches and long queues

What is queue size of project - the project

Create a pull event on a cadence

Cadence based integration works

Apply objective milestones PI and PI demo Progress, product, process

Phase gates are evil, apply objective milestones

Book - principles of product development flow

Teams - stop and plan

Book. Product development for the lean enterprise - Michael Kennedy

If you cannot afford to get people in for planning why not Not just planning, but also design, Every 12 weeks

See video Program board at back

Unlock intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers

Management of knowledge workers is different Know more about the work than their bosses

1 iq vs team of iq points They also have diversity of opinion They need autonomy

Motivation matters

1949 rhesus monkey experiment Performance of the task provides its own intrinsic reward

Decentralized decision making

Centralized decisions are infrequent long lasting and have significant economies of scale Decentralization all others And provide information to help them make the decision