Table of Contents

How Do We Write Great PI Objectives

And “What is the Purpose of PI Objectives?”

Program Increment (PI) Objectives are an output of the PI Planning event. PI Objectives summarize in business terms what each Team intends to deliver in the upcoming PI. They are therefore used to:

Can you deliver the essence of the value sought by implementing this set of features?

What are the Characteristics of Good PI Objectives?

The following is a checklist for creating good PI Objectives:

A note on this last one, the basic things of interest to executives include:

If you can figure out how to tie your work to things like this you will find improved acceptance of your PI Objectives.

What is An Example of a PI Objective?

Rather than having a general statement like “Deliver improved performance” with the implied “by the end of the PI” you could look to something like “Deliver improve performance of user interface for XYZ app to have sub-second response time for ABC workflows so that NPS for the App improve by X% by the end of the PI”. Here we have made something more specific, we understand what we are watching right now (response time) and what we expect will happen longer term (NPS), all from the perspective of business.

What Tips and Tricks Do You Have for Writing Great PI Objectives?

Perhaps Start with a Template

To help teams develop great PI Objectives it sometimes is useful to use a template to think through the parts:

BY <the timeframe, e.g. the end of PI 5>
WE WILL <do something, start the statement with a verb (“enable”, etc.)>
SO THAT <something good happens, provides business benefit>
AS MEASURED BY <how we will know>

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