Table of Contents

What Are The Characteristics of a Great Agile Coach?

There are three basic ideas that should be considered when thinking about the characteristics that makes a great Agile Coach:

  1. They are the embodiment of Agile Values and Principles. The Agile Coach has to be seen to living the values and principles, not just professionally but personally as well.
  2. They are coaches, and so reflect general notions and professional values that all coaches have. This means that, for example, the Agile Coach takes an interest in developing their professional skills through organizations such as Agile Coaching Institute.
  3. They are able to work with Teams themselves, and so often start out as a Scrum Master. This is not a surprise as the Scrum Master is considered a Coach of the Team. An Agile Coach will act as a coach of coaches, initially taking on, say, two Teams, which both have Scrum Masters. In fact, this could be considered a pre-requisite for a coach as, if you cannot lead a Team, you probably should not be a coach.

The last point tells us that many of the characteristics of a great Scrum Master will be needed if you wish to be a great Agile Coach. Referencing What Are The Characteristics of a Great Scrum Master? characteristics include:

In the move to being an Agile Coach, some these characteristics become more important. For example, whereas the Scrum Master is expected to be an excellent facilitator, Agile Coaches are expected to be more competent. In addition characteristics of great Agile Coaches include:

How Do We Know If An Agile Coach is Successful?

Competent Agile Coaches deliver a healthy overall agile capability. This is evidenced by smooth, frequent, and high quality product or solutions delivery.

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