Table of Contents

What Content Should Be Considered To Start a Team Page?

In the interests of maximizing transparency, scrum teams display information about who they are and their work so that anyone with an interest can find out about the work of the team. This page is in response to the question “what should we put on to the standard team page both now, and as a foundation for the future?”


How To Display

We want to stick to the basic idea of wikis that the information should fit on a page on the screen, no larger. Idea is that information is focussed. This suggests a series of navigation links (eg on side) with headings per below.

For the first / front page of the team site consider the team name, members, team email, key events, current sprint burndown chart, for example – a one stop shop of the basics.

Teams should be able to style the site however they want and add any information they want to provided the basics are in place. Idea is that its the team page, they can use it to help establish their identity, but from an organizational perspective we need a certain set of things to be available.

What To Display