What Happens When We Have Partial Assignments for Product Owners and Scrum Masters?

It might seem obvious, and it is, that if we don’t set up the role of Product Owner and Scrum Master for success then you can expect the problems the roles was intended to address will remain:

The result is that you end up with an agile (Scrum) implementation that doesn’t provide the benefits you are looking for.

Most agile implementations are not as black and white as this. Reality is that organization do want to go agile but sometimes do not see how they can get there without also cutting a few corners. The selection of the role of Product Owner and Scrum Masters is one of those places that people often cut corners usually by saying that Scrum Masters and Product Owners will be part time either by doubling up the teams they need to support or by indicating that they will only use 50% of their capacity to fulfill the role.

The impacts of this type of approach, assuming that the people selected are trying hard to fulfill the roles include:

If you don’t establish the role well, you risk having all the overhead of agile (Scrum) and none of the benefits.

Practically speaking the usual impact will be a serious slow down in receiving the expected benefits of your agile (Scrum) transformation in most cases. This makes sense. With agile we are putting in place a new system to deliver value. That system is made up of a series of interlocking parts. When you do not completely supply the parts, you can expect there to be an impact on your new system of delivery.