What Is The Difference Between Value Stream Identification (VSID) and Value Stream Mapping (VSM)?

Or “Why do we need to do value stream mapping of the delivery pipeline when we have already done value stream mapping to understand our operational and development value streams?”

When we start a SAFe implementation, we often begin with an event, a workshop, to identify how the organization should structure itself so that it improves how it delivers (flows) value to the customer. Many people call this exercise a “Value Stream Mapping” exercise.

Later, once we have launched ARTs based on this workshop, we start talking about DevOps and how we deliver value through the delivery pipeline. Usually the recommendation is that we do a Value Stream Map of the delivery pipeline. At this point the question is often asked “haven’t we done this?” or there is (understandable) confusion as to how the process we went through at the beginning of the move SAFe is going to help us now.

This confusion is caused by the fact that we are overloading our use of the term “Value Stream Mapping”. While the practice we use initially and later as part of DevOps discussion has similar steps, there are two very different purposes involved, and also two distinct practices.

The two purposes are:

As can be seen, there are two different purposes. This means there are different people involved and steps each event goes through.

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