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agile_jokes [2022/02/23 05:17] – Added continuous deployment hansagile_jokes [2022/02/23 05:24] (current) – Added rule number 6 hans
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 ====== Agile Jokes ====== ====== Agile Jokes ======
-Let’s face it, agile and lean sometimes takes itself way to seriously, so I started to collect funny quotes associated with agile and lean thinking. Most of these come directly from field experience.+Let’s face it, agile and lean sometimes takes itself way too seriously, so I started to collect funny quotes associated with agile and lean thinking. We should all remember [[|Rule Number 6]]. 
 +Most of these come directly from field experience.
 Read and enjoy. Read and enjoy.
/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2022/02/23 05:17 by hans