
How do we determine what to demonstrate in the System Demo?

The best way to determine what will be demonstrated in the System Demo is to look at your (up to date) Program Board. The Program Board shows the iteration when Features are expected to be complete, and so it is a simple matter to look in the column representing that iteration on the Program Board determine System Demo candidates.

In this example, we are trying to determine what we will demonstrate in the System Demo associated with Iteration 3.4. The image is color coded with blue representing features, red representing dependent work, and orange representing a milestone. In this case you can see that Team 3 and Team 5 have features that are expected to be complete in Iteration 3.4. These features, and the associated PI Objectives, forms the basis for the content of the 3.4 System Demo. Note that Teams 1, 2, 4, and 6 do not have any features completed in 3.4 and so are not expected to showcase anything in the 3.4 System Demo.

ART Sync (PO Syncs and SoS) events will ensure that the Program Board is up to date.

In addition, since we have the “team (Iteration Review) demos, then System Demo” we can validate whether we have finished all the stories for a particular feature, or not, and so ensure we are working the latest, most valid information about real progress.

/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2021/11/21 12:08 by hans