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quotable_quotes_a9 [2023/08/29 08:38] – created and added rothman quote hansquotable_quotes_a9 [2023/12/11 13:45] (current) hans
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 +  * "... competitive advantage comes from using standard things in combinations ..." - Dave Snowden at [[|"Estuarine Mapping with Dave Snowden"]]
 +  * “Multi-tasking is merely the opportunity to screw-up more than one thing at a time.” — Steve Uzzell
 +  * “Productivity is not about being a work horse, keeping busy or burning the midnight oil … it’s about priorities and fiercely protecting your time.” — Margarita Tartakovsky
 +  * “Code will be used in ways we cannot anticipate, in ways it was never designed for, and for longer than it was ever intended.” — Joshua Corman
 +  * “Read 500 pages like this every day,” Buffett said to the students, while reaching toward a stack of manuals and papers. “That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”
 +  * "The performance of the whole is never the sum of the performance of the parts taken separately, but it's the product of their interactions" -- Russell Ackoff
 +  * "Those who master large-scale software delivery will define the economic landscape of the 21st century” - Mik Kersten - Projects to Products
 +  * “We get things wrong before we get things right.” - Alistair Cockburn
   * "Never accept a traffic-light status report in a portfolio evaluation meeting. The traffic light provides no data for your decision." - Johanna Rothmann in "Manage Your Project Portfolio"   * "Never accept a traffic-light status report in a portfolio evaluation meeting. The traffic light provides no data for your decision." - Johanna Rothmann in "Manage Your Project Portfolio"
   * “So that’s my aesthetic as a coach. If I do everything perfectly, then my contribution is totally invisible to the team. The team says, “We did this.”” - Kent Beck   * “So that’s my aesthetic as a coach. If I do everything perfectly, then my contribution is totally invisible to the team. The team says, “We did this.”” - Kent Beck
/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2023/08/29 08:38 by hans