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How Does the Architect Interact With the Product Management?

Traditionally Architects develop an independent understanding of what the customer needs. This is best developed by direct conversation with customers, but in many instances is developed independent of that discussion, and also independent of the overall product strategy.

This approach could be more effective. To improve this needs to be a more collaborative effort. Architects should be involved directly with customers through as Product Management / Product Owners discussions happen (not separate).

<WARP>If there is a customer meeting, then the Architect should be involved.</WRAP>

After all, one way to consider the establishment of the “architectural runway” is that the Architect, having heard what customers are thinking of longer term asks themselves the question “what do we need to put in place so that our teams can deliver these upcoming requirements better, faster, cheaper?” Or “How will this effect the Enterprise Asset?”

/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2020/06/02 14:27 (external edit)