Materials Developed
Just a convenient place for me to be able to find materials I have developed over time. Feel free to use, with appropriate attribution.
- Agile Project Management - see How Does Project Management Change with Agile? for more information.
- Comparison of Scrum and Kanban - see What's The Difference Between Kanban and Scrum? for more information.
- Understanding Weighted Shortest Job First and Cost of Delay. A step-by-step approach to understanding CoD and WSJF
- When Does It Make Sense to Adjust Team Membership?. Sometimes it makes sense to adjust team membership. The question is “when”?
- Leading By Example with Personal Agility. Discussion of the steps I went through to really apply lean and agile concepts to my personal life. Result was twofold 1) I become more effective and productive 2) I could be a more authentic leader
/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2023/03/10 05:29 by hans