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Some Basic Site Statistics

I discovered recently (2021-08) that there are people who have stumbled across this site and have referenced it. Who knew? Prompted me to see what kind of usage is out there.

Total hits since we started recording:


2022-02 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  how_do_we_assign_business...    190
2  start    147
3  establish_a_keystone_stor...    64
4  what_question_are_we_voti...    51
5  powerful_pictures    20
6  why_doesn_t_traditional_p...    20
7  subject_specific_article    16
8  reference_useful_in_train...    15
9  how_can_we_use_scrum_and_...    15
10  some_basic_site_statistic...    14
11  sidebar    13
12  the_lean_machine-_how_har...    13
13  simulating_agile_executio...    13
14  recommended_videos    13
15  agile_jokes    13
16  what_kinds_of_problems_do...    11
17  frequently_asked_question...    11
18  how_do_we_deal_with_produ...    11
19  tag_cloud    11
20  useful_references    11
21  scrum_gathering_2015    10
22  pithy_slogans    10
23  powerful_stories    10
24  why_should_we_name_our_te...    9
25  useful_videos    9
26  what_events_should_we_put...    8
27  thinking_in_bets_-_annie_...    8
28  why_do_we_do_a_system_dem...    8
29  how_should_we_structure_o...    8
30  how_do_we_use_points_to_e...    8
Number of pages accessed: 194
Total accesses: 1130

2022-01 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  how_do_we_assign_business...    268
2  start    136
3  what_question_are_we_voti...    62
4  establish_a_keystone_stor...    47
5  frequently_asked_question...    22
6  how_does_the_agile_approa...    21
7  powerful_pictures    20
8  why_doesn_t_traditional_p...    19
9  workshops_training_and_ot...    17
10  what_kinds_of_problems_do...    16
Number of pages accessed: 210
Total accesses: 1236

2021-12 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  how_do_we_assign_business...    203
2  start    118
3  what_question_are_we_voti...    39
4  establish_a_keystone_stor...    26
5  quotable_quotes_list    13
6  what_is_the_effect_of_cha...    13
7  how_can_we_scale_our_esti...    12
8  simulating_agile_executio...    11
9  pithy_slogans    11
10  what_kinds_of_problems_do...    11
Number of pages accessed: 199
Total accesses: 914

2021-11 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  how_do_we_assign_business...    190
2  start    105
3  why_do_we_do_a_system_dem...    28
4  what_question_are_we_voti...    27
5  establish_a_keystone_stor...    26
6  frequently_asked_question...    18
7  quotable_quotes_list    16
8  how_do_we_get_all_the_wor...    14
9  subject_specific_article    13
10  workshops_training_and_ot...    12
Number of pages accessed: 203
Total accesses: 955

2021-10 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  how_do_we_assign_business...    148
2  start    97
3  what_question_are_we_voti...    34
4  establish_a_keystone_stor...    22
5  subject_specific_article    22
6  quotable_quotes_list    21
7  why_doesn_t_traditional_p...    14
8  what_is_the_benefit_of_ha...    13
9  what_is_pair_programming    13
10  simulating_agile_executio...    11
Number of pages accessed: 168
Total accesses: 758

2021-09 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  how_do_we_assign_business...    129
2  start    119
3  what_question_are_we_voti...    29
4  establish_a_keystone_stor...    24
5  why_do_people_overcommit    20
6  what_kind_of_questions_sh...    17
7  agile_jokes    15
8  sidebar    14
9  frequently_asked_question...    13
10  reference_useful_in_train...    12
Number of pages accessed: 205
Total accesses: 829
/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2022/02/16 12:46 by hans