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What Are the Characteristics of a Good Estimate?
Estimates need to reflect reality. Some basic characteristics of what we need from estimates include:
- The estimates consistently reflect the capacity of the Team to deliver.
- The estimates consistently reflect the size of the work no matter what kind of work it is. For example, it should not matter that we are estimating a new feature or defects
- They are truly relative in that on a Team by Team basis an 8 is an 8 and an 8 is about 4 times a 2 no matter the source.
- Estimation data allows the use of ranges of estimates to help understand the risk profile of the work. A simple example of this is when the Product Owner uses best, average and worst velocities to understand what is likely to happen with their plan.
It is worth saying again:
The estimates consistently reflect the capacity of the Team to deliver.
They must be based on reality.
/home/hpsamios/hanssamios.com/dokuwiki/data/attic/what_are_the_characteristics_of_a_good_estimate.1547662138.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/02 14:28 (external edit)