
What Are the Differences Between Scrum and Kanban?

For folks that are into the details of these two methods. They clearly come at the problem of managing knowledge work from different perspectives. The following table provides a clear breakdown of these differences:

Scrum Kanban
Time-boxed iterations prescribed Time-boxed iterations optional.
* Can have separate cadences for planning, release, and process improvement.
* Can be event driven instead of time-boxed.
Team commits to a specific amount of work for this iteration (Sprint) Team commits to work when it is brought to the board for execution
Uses velocity as default metric for planning and process improvements Uses lead time as default metric for planning and process improvements
Cross functional teams prescribed Cross functional teams optional
* Specialist teams allowed
Items must be broken down so they can be completed in an iteration No item size is prescribed although small(-er) sized work is highly recommended
Burn down chart is prescribed No diagram type is presecribed
“Change agent” is “commitment” “Change agent” is “WIP limits”
WIP limited indirectly
* Per iteration
WIP limited directly
* Per workflow state
Estimation prescribed Estimation optional
Cannot add items to ongoing iteration Can add items whenever capacity is available
Prescribe 3 roles
* Product Owner
* Scrum Master
* Team
No prescribed roles
Prescribes 4 events
* Planning
* Daily Scrum
* Review
* Retrospective
No prescribed events
Scrum board is reset between each iteration Kanban board is persistent
Prioritized backlog is prescribed Prioritization is optional
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