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Workshops Training and Other Events

A list of events I have worked. Events are things that have been prepared for, and worked. They do not count normal day-to-day activities.

2018 Completed Events


Event Type Location Date Comments
PI PlanningCoachingHouston2018-08-22Fuels and Lubes Train. 8 Teams. 70 people at event. SAFe event.
Value Stream AnalysisCoachingHouston2018-07-13For Branch and Shared Services leading to Train design. SAFe event
Staff Development Manager workshopCoachingHouston2018-07-07Workshop aimed at on-boarding new organizational role of "development manager". Initial “team” workshop.
Leadership WorkshopCoachingHouston2018-07-06Workshop aimed at helping top level supervisors align on direction. Next step in setting up portfolio, realign leadership on decisions (new members of the leadership team), alignment with McCrystal Strategic Alignment Framework (SAF) and Decison Space (we drove through Delegation Poker)
Portfolio PrioritizationCoachingHouston2018-06-19Initial meeting to get “to do”, “in progress”, “done” columns in place. Main aim was to determine “what should we stop” as we needed to reduce some level of organizational WIP. See How Do I Facilitate a Prioritization Meeting for more information
Value Stream AnalysisCoachingHouston2018-06-11For Data Center Compute leading to Train design. SAFe event
Portfolio Kanban workshopCoachingHouston2018-05-23Initial analysis of Foundation Infrastructure work (backlog, WIP) on the way to Portfolio Kanban.
Team Kick-offCoachingWorldwide2018-05-21Team kickoff for Gateway Train. 11 teams. SAFe event
PI PlanningCoachingHouston2018-04-17Star Train (Network Core). 6 Teams. 90 people at event. SAFe event.
Value Stream AnalysisCoachHouston2018-04-02For Gateway Products leading to Train design. SAFe event.
DevOps for AgileAttendDallas2018-03-08DevOps for the Agile Enterprise devops_for_agile.pdf
Leadership WorkshopCoachingHouston2018-03-05Workshop aimed at helping top level supervisors align on direction
Product analysisCoachingHouston2018-01-23Round 2
Product analysisCoachingHouston2018-01-23Get architects into a room to determine product strategy for Infrastructure as a lead in to value stream mapping
PI PlanningCoachingHouston2018-01-15Crazy (AtC). 5 Teams. 100 people at event. SAFe event.


2017 Completed Events


Event Type Location Date Comments
Leadership Workshop Coaching Houston 2017-11-28 Workshop aimed at helping top level supervisors understand what they need to know and do to drive the transformation
Value Stream Mapping Coaching Houston 2017-10-25 Value Stream mapping for Foundation Infrastructure group
Initial PI Planning Coaching Houston 2017-10-23 Crazy (AtC). 5 Teams. 100 people at event. SAFe event.
Leading SAFe Training Houston 2017-10-19 Leadership of the XOM FI AtC Train plus guests. 32 people.
SAFe for Teams Training Houston 2017-10-16 AtC (Crazy) Train. 42 people.
Kanban Team Kickoff Training Budapest 2017-10-09 New teams on the way to Agile Release Train
Initial PI Planning Coaching Houston, Buenos Ares, Kuala Lumpur 2017-10-02 Bullet (Storage). 3 Teams. Initial XOM Foundation Infastructure (FI) Train. SAFe event.
SAFe for Teams Training Houston 2017-09-25 Half the Storage (Bullet) Train. 24 people. New SAFe 4.5 materials.
Kanban Team Kickoff Training Houston / Buenos Aires 2017-09-12 2 new teams on the way to Agile Release Train
Leading SAFe Training Houston 2017-08-21 Leadership of the XOM FI Storage Train. 10 people. New SAFe 4.5 “Leading SAFe” materials.
Kanban Team Kickoff Training Houston 2017-07-24 2 new teams on the way to Agile Release Train
SAFe 4.5 Update Attend Virtual 2017-06-27 Understand updates for SAFe 4.5 (see summary at 5 Reasons to Update and My Notes)
Enterprise Lean-Agile Coach Course with Attend Boulder 2017-06-07 3 day course with Alex Yakyma. See My Notes. Passed test and certified as Enterprise Coach -
Value Stream Mapping and Lean Coffee Training Houston 2017-05-08 Train the trainer session. Facilitated
Leaders Introduction to Agile Training Houston 2017-05-01 Three sessions aimed at helping leadership understand how the pilots work, and understand what learning they will need.
Kanban Team Kickoff Training Kuala Lumpur 2017-04-17 3 Teams. Co-taught
Kanban Team Kickoff Training Houston 2017-04-10 2 Teams. Co-taught.
Ongoing until 2017-12-31 Transformation Coach Houston 2017-03-15 Co-coach with Transformation Team
Implementing SAFe Training / Coaching Scottsdale 2017-01-31 Co-taught
SAFe Advanced Scrum Master Enablement Certification Virtual 2017-01-27 SASM certification
Difficulties and Benefits of Working in Agile Environment Training Belmont University 2017-01-23 16 Seniors

2018/03/10 14:02 · hpsamios

2016 Completed Events


Event Type Location Date Comments
Essential SAFe - Dean Leffingwell Attend Milwaukee 2016-10-18 My notes
SAFe v4 PI Planning Coach Madison 2016-09-06 Part of SAFe v4 ART; New Train (7 teams)
SAFe for Product Owners Train / Coach Madison 2016-08-30 Part of SAFe v4 ART; 7 new teams
SAFe for Scrum Masters Train / Coach Madison 2016-08-30 Part of SAFe v4 ART; 7 new teams
SAFe for Teams Train / Coach Madison 2016-08-22 Part of SAFe V4 ART
Training Roadmap Workshop Workshop Madison 2016-08-02 Steps to identify inflight work to bring onto the SAFe train.
How to Work Personality Issues Without Sounding Like a Marriage Guidance Counsellor? Train / Coach Atlanta 2015-07-27 Ran 75 min workshop involving about 120 people. All new materials.
2016 Agile Conference Attend Atlanta 2015-07-25 My notes
Ongoing until 2016-11-18 - Coach Program / New Train of 7 teams Coach Madison 2016-07-18 Part of SAFe v4 ART
Leading SAFe Train / Coach Madison 2016-07-19 Part of SAFe V4 ART
Coaching Instructor Certification Virtual 2016-04-05 Certification through ICAgile
Agile Project Manager (APM) Certification Virtual 2016-04-25 Certification through ICAgile
Ongoing until 2016-06-30 - Coach 4 teams Coach Madison 2016-04-04 Part of SAFe v4 ART
SAFe v4 PI Planning Coach Madison 2016-04-18 Part of SAFe v4 ART
VersionOne for Scrum Masters Attend Madison 2016-04-14 Part of consulting engagement - learning with customer selected tool
VersionOne for Product Owners Attend Madison 2016-04-14 Part of consulting engagement - learning with customer selected tool
VersionOne at Scale Attend Madison 2016-04-13 Part of consulting engagement - learning with customer selected tool
VersionOne Foundations Attend Madison 2016-04-12 Part of consulting engagement - learning with customer selected tool
SAFe for Product Owners Coach Madison 2016-04-08 Part of SAFe v4 ART
SAFe for Scrum Masters Coach Madison 2016-04-07 Part of SAFe v4 ART
SAFe for Teams Coach Madison 2016-04-04 Part of SAFe v4 ART
“Scrum at Scale” by Jeff Sutherland Attend Virtual 2016-03-28 Some good ideas on the role of leadership and management in a Scrum transformation. See My notes
Executive Scrum Team Kickoff Coach Gulfport 2016-03-22 Executive team kick-off. Start with understanding goal, obstacles, metrics and personnel. Then work through creation of team, backlog, and so on to drive implementation.
“Scrum Master or Arm-chair Psychologist” by Angela Johnson Attend Virtual 2016-03-14 Simple presentation about the Scrum Master focussing on the coaching, not just facilitating or being a secretary. See My notes
Project Improvement Coach Gulfport 2016-03-08 Improving specific election of project using Agile thinking
Second Generation Lean Product Development Attend Virtual 2016-03-05 If you want to understand impacts of things like queuing theory, lean, and why variability should be preserved for new product development then this is the video for you. See My notes
SAFe ART PI Planing Coach Boston 2016-02-23 PI Planning for 2 new ARTs involving 250 people including teams and executive management. Part of a SAFe (Version 4 - the first one?) implementation.
Agile Enablement Training Virtual 2016-02-21 Train 9 people, located in Vietnam, in basics. Remote presentation with exercises. Part of a SAFe implementation.
Team Coaching Coach Virtual 2016-02-09 Work through issues on improving planning such as estimation, capacity planning, dealing with interruptions, etc. Part of a SAFe implementation.
Large-scale Agile at Ericsson Attend Virtual 2016-02-04 Experience report through the Scrum Alliance and the Learning Consortium. My notes
Agile Boot Camp Train / Coach Kirkland 2016-01-25 Train 55 people, but quickly turned into a bespoke course aimed at “what's next?”
Scrum Team Launch Training Atlanta 2016-01-18 Train 60 people, then kick off 6 teams over 4 days. Part of a SAFe implementation.
Agile Boot Camp Train / Coach Gulfport 2016-01-11 Train pilot team plus 2 days of executive coaching.

2017/01/24 07:40 · hpsamios

2015 Completed Events


Event Type Location Date Comments
SAFe Program Consultant v4.0 Certification Virtual 2015-12-28 SPC4 Certification
Effective Testing (QA) Certification Virtual 2015-12-21 Certification through ICAgile
Business Analyst (BA) Certification Virtual 2015-12-17 Certification through ICAgile
Agile Requirements Train Virtual 2015-12-14 14 PDUs, 14 CDUs
Agile for Construction Train Denver 2015-12-10 75 people. Training / Adapting / Coaching
Agile Boot Camp Training Charlotte 2015-12-07 20 people. Training. 21 PDUs
Product Owner Training Train / Coach Norman 2015-12-03 18 people. Started as standard training but client turned into bespoke course aimed at “what's next”. 14 PDUs
Agile Boot Camp Train Bentonville 2015-11-30 17 people. Training. 21 PDUs
Team / organization onsite Coach Boise 2015-11-09 Help get team kick started, work organizational issues
Team / organization onsite Coach Boise 2015-11-02 Help get team kick started, work organizational issues
General Certification Certification Virtual 2015-10-27 Certification through ICAgile
Team Kickoff Train Boise 2015-10-26 11 people. Training / setup
Agile Boot Camp Train / Coach Bentonville 2015-10-20 23 people. Training and coaching. 21 PDUs
Team Kickoff Train Des Moines 2015-10-13 20 people. Training and coaching
Initial review / goals set Assessment Des Moines 2015-10-06 Meet with leadership team to determine goals
Introduction to Scrum Workshop Sioux Falls 2015-09-29 105 people in room. 7 PDUs, 8 CPEs
PO Training Workshop Hartford 2015-09-24 Small group focussed on “big data” application. 14 PDUs
Scrum / Agile Lunch and Learn Workshop Huntsville 2015-09-21 Focussed Agile event
SAFe Program Consultant Attend Cincinnati 2015-09-14 Training with Icon
Agile Introduction Train Virtual 2015-09-10 7 PDUs, 8 CPEs
Agile Testing Workshop Virtual 2015-08-27 Focussed Agile event. A view of testing philosophy / approach
Making Scrum Work (Level 2) Workshop Huntsville 2015-08-25 Huntug users meeting - see materials
Agile Requirements Train Virtual 2015-08-24 14 PDUs, 14 CDUs
Scrum at Scale Webinar Attend Virtual 2015-08-19 My notes
2015 Agile Conference Attend Washington 2015-08-03 My notes
1/2 Day Agile Scrum Refresher Train Huntsville 2015-06-08 Updated materials
2015 Scrum Gathering De-brief Present Worldwide 2015-06-06
Agile Alliance Virtual Conf. Attend Online 2015-05-15
2015 Scrum Gathering Attend Phoenix 2015-05-04 My notes
External Organization Kickoff Train Coach Belo Horizonte 2015-04-27 4 teams, new Agile
Improved Forecasting and Risk Train Worldwide 2015-04-22 Monte Carlo / #noestimates
Confluence 5.7 Upgrade Train Worldwide 2015-04-09
Marketing team(s) Train Atlanta 2015-03-31 Adapt Scrum / Agile
Internal Conference Organize Huntsville 2015-03-18 Peer “Scrum” conference
IT team(s) Train Huntsville 2015-02-02 Adapt Scrum / Agile

2017/04/24 06:07

2014 Completed (and Selected) Events


Event Type Location Date Comments
Lunch and learn Organize Huntsville 2014-12-22 Clean code practices
Development Process Refresh Train Worldwide 2014-11-18 Prepare for ISO audit
Engineer IT Meetings PO Hyderabad 2014-10-15 Meet new team
Agile Testing Workshop Hyderabad 2014-10-14
Scrum Master Workshop Train Coach Hyderabad 2014-10-13
Agile Testing Workshop Columbia 2014-09-23
New team training (3 teams) Train Coach Columbia 2014-09-22
Atlassian Summit Attend San Jose 2014-09-09 JIRA, Confluence, HipChat, Service Desk
Agile 2014 De-brief Present Worldwide 2014-09-03 Also presented at the Conference
Agile 2014 Conference Present Orlando 2014-07-28 See materials
Unit Testing for SM / PO Coach Worldwide 2014-07-24 Results of survey plus practice review
IMPACT Training Train Coach Huntsville 2014-07-07 Agile thinking for new hires
UX Kick-off Train Coach Worldwide 2014-07-01 Scrum for UX as well as team integration
Scrum Team Kickoff Train Coach Switzerland 2014-06-23 Two new teams - software embedded hardware
Aggressive Backlog Triage Coach Worldwide 2014-06-03 See materials
PO Training Train Coach Huntsville 2014-05-13
Product Backlog Refinement Train Coach Worldwide 2014-04-25 Special session for POs
Advanced PO / SM Materials Train Coach Lodz 2014-02-12 Systems thinking, Uber-Scrum, facilitation, etc
Scrum Team Kickoff Train Lodz 2014-02-10 New team
Scrum Team Kickoff Train Norcross 2014-01-08 Adapted for technical writer team

2013 Completed (and Selected) Events


Event Type Location Date Comments
Advanced PO / SM Materials Train Coach Huntsville 2013-12-13 Systems thinking, Auber-Scrum, facilitation, etc
Advanced PO / SM Materials Train Coach Norcorss 2013-12-10 Systems thinking, Auber-Scrum, facilitation, etc
Scrum Master course Train Coach Huntsville 2013-10-10 How to be a great Scrum Master
Advanced PO / SM Materials Train Coach Hyderabad 2013-09-23 Systems thinking, Auber-Scrum, facilitation, etc
Scrum Team Kickoff Train Coach Scottsdale 2013-07-30 4 new teams
IMPACT Training Train Coach Huntsville 2013-07-11 Agile thinking for new hires
Scrum Team Kickoff Train Huntsville 2013-04-16 Adapted for product support team
Scrum Master course Train Coach Columbia 2013-04-08 How to be a great Scrum Master

2016/04/19 05:07 · hpsamios


And so on, and so on … Back to 2007.


/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2020/06/02 14:27 (external edit)