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Agile 2015 Industry Panel
Hear from leading industry analysts as they discuss the latest trends and emerging best practices around Agile software development. Learn how the most successful software organizations are utilizing Agile to drive business performance. Find out how the latest innovations in Agile practices continue to mature as development organizations deploy Agile further across the enterprise.
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- get Book “Diffusion of Innovation”
This year's theme is Agile Trends and Future Directions. Join us to hear unique perspectives and gain industry knowledge from this year's participants:
Melinda Ballou, IT Industry Analyst, IDC Steve Dennning, Author & Management Consultant André Girard, Senior Analyst, VDC Research Group Tom Grant, Senior Consultant, Cutter Consortium Ron Jeffries, Extreme Programming (XP) Innovator, Author, Coach, and Trainer Jim Newkirk, VP of Service Engineering, CenturyLink Cloud (Moderator)
. Questions / advice to CEO
What are the ceo's problems then can share stories (might eventually get to software)
“All conversations start with a licenses” - Steve Denning
Productive things - lead down the path Yes it is a process of consistent experimentation Not talk in agile language as confuses
Ron Jefries- How org is choosing the work Too much and can't do anything How get it done - how is it organization How he control - trick question How know it's done
From surveys know that agile is using more tools
. Exec is having difficulty with agile implementation
Alignment - twixt management and teams - same success criteria
What is the view of exec buy-in. Role of exec. Appropriate mentoring / coaching
Is organization non agile - focused on short term - then management issue Is org agile - focused on delight customer - then maybe is team issue
Actually do agile - it's stood the test of time over last 20years
. How get management out of mindset of “we don't have to be agile”
Only thing that will shake people out of existing mindset is take them to places that are doing it (I want some of this). If you can't take them there virtually through stories.
Competitors doing agile Teams internally doing it well - get them to Play a game to help make people more open
“Darwin was right while death was the alternative”
Exec have to establish guard rails. Clear about objective. Message such as Ok to fail, quality is 1
Start small. But watch the organizational antibodies
Management in the middle is the problem This is an issue with scrum - not needed Middle manager now becoming SM, PO etc. Fewer and fewer full middle manager jobs
Flattening an organization is the second most stupid idea in the world Middle management needed - outside in (total focus on delivery of value to customer) They need to be focussed on customer
. 5 years ago - agile wrong about / should have done differently
Wrong that it was about software Every part of the organization How important an idea it is
Software is eating in the world
Evolving into enterprise / scaling Broader adoption
Content not always clear Stylistic - not do enough to police the nazis / cops New generation of nazis - ux, lean, de ops - to much rigid thinking Note that means they haven't made the transition and needs to be called out
Looking at rolling wave of people implementing that
Different Reach out sooner to other topics / ideas Lean, Kanban Eg safe is about value stream
. What are things agile alliance can do to help
Look at particular practice areas to help people Eg technical debt
Kent beck - invented XP to make the world safe for programmers Focus on bring this back again Empower the people doing the work - cultural change everything
Safe says “based on scrum and XP” But we haven't done a good job with XP.
. What is comments / concerns about the certification wars / multiple certs
Demonstrate what it means to take on agile
Certification is nice but doesn't make you a good scrum master First step
10 years to master scrum / XP Explain this to people Make stories about this What it really means to commit to this
Standards are important, competence is important Need to remove fake standards We need to become more professional, more competence basis
Observed practical is part of the certification Teams participate as well
5 certifications - but this is the least important thing about me (Jeffries) To see them do it, and make them do it is only way to know this
Work with real education College, school
. What is something that not being talked about that should be
Embedded space - 30% are using agile Cover whole systems development, not just software
Begin to talk about All of the trappings of things that were in the before agile Notion of estimate Can do this without looking at the requirement, rather focus on what we are doing
Tension org vs team level - 70-90% of orgs from surveys Society wide problem
Get a better handle on what software value is
Book diffusion of innovation When is software valuable